Bringing awareness to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder isn't just about highlighting a disorder, but it's also about recognizing the strength of those that have survived something hard and are taking the time to heal and process-- even when it's hard to see.
What is it?
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is when a person has suffered or witnessed something so overwhelming and terrifying, that they have difficulty recovering from the experience. They often experience triggers that can bring back memories of the trauma accompanied by intense emotional and physical reactions. These triggers can last months or even years--
Symptoms included (but not an exhaustive list) are nightmares, unwanted memories, isolation, hypervigilance or heightened reactions, anxiety/depression, and even vivid flashbacks. There isn't a blanket description for what every person experiences, but each diagnosis/symptom looks different.
Group therapy, Counseling, trauma-focused psychotherapy, music, prayer/meditation, and sometimes even medications are used to manage the symptoms caused.
My journey--
So if you ever hear me talk about how Changed Impressions got started, you know that I also mention that I found it therapeutic and encouraging during a season that I began to process some old childhood trauma. Anyone who has experienced something, especially as a child, and has not shared it with anyone, I would definitely recommend some form of counseling to process it.
And although It wasn't easy bringing up all of the old memories (at times even painful), It was super critical for my growth and development (emotionally, physically, and even spiritually) today. Especially when it came to relationships and connecting with others in a deeper way.
And even though I do believe my faith was a very vital part of my processing, it was also a very intentional day-to-day work as well! By that I mean... lots of tears and prayers, journaling, counseling, and you know, lol hand-stamping. And frankly, there are still days that aren't so great, but looks a lot less scary now that I know what I'm dealing with--
I'm so thankful to God for the transformation I have seen since I started sharing, going to counseling sessions, and reminding myself of truth (scriptures or statements that would bring me back to my identity vs. the false image of shame that had weighed me down for so long).
And slowly I am even starting to see, that my life is not just a myriad of shameful experiences or even past hurt...but one that has a purpose and even... allows me to dream again.
Most importantly, my worth isn't measured by the bad that has happened. Or even the mistakes I've made because of it.
Listen, it was a challenging time tilling and cultivating the new ground, but the people I met along the way have been and continue to be, so good for my soul! They helped create safe spaces for healing and really allowed me to process the junk to make room for the good and beautiful things that life had to offer too :).
Giving Back--
I wanted to commission a piece for PTSD because awareness can change the attitudes of those who have never had to experience these effects. And also, to bring light to an area of darkness that takes time and intention, like any physical ailment or sprain to heal.
NAMI Wake is a local organization that focuses on creating safe environments and counseling for those that experience some form of mental health challenges in their life.
And since teal is the color for PTSD awareness, I loved the idea of adding some of that into the design.
Of course in true Changed Impressions fashion, you can get these personalized with your own special word of encouragement! The earrings will come in these colors: (Teal w/Gold and, Natural w/Gold).
I'll also be donating 3 dollars from every purchase of these lovelies to NAMI Wake County.
And If you'd like to place a large order or request for a group you maybe want to encourage, definitely message me for that.
Thank you for being a community that supports vulnerability without all of the details well as an opportunity for me to continue to both dream and create!
Until next time,
Shanika C.
Update 7/9/21
Thank you to everyone who supported the purchase of these earrings! Because of your contributions, awareness to mental health challenges are taking place! It genuinely means so much--